Actual As Built Empty Weights

Model Specific Discussions about the Sling 2 and the Sling LSA.
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Actual As Built Empty Weights

Post by Fly-Fla »

Seriously wanting to build a Sling 2 and was curious if anyone would mind posting their completed empty weights. I’m leaning against a parachute since I’m a big guy, but will probably load it up with avionics and may prime everything. Any real world weights out there?
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Re: Actual As Built Empty Weights

Post by Cluemeister »

Are you doing EAB or LSA?
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Re: Actual As Built Empty Weights

Post by Fly-Fla »

I’m going to build it as EAB so I can use the 1540 gross weight.
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Re: Actual As Built Empty Weights

Post by Cluemeister »

I can't provide real world weights, but I'm guessing between 850 and 900 lbs, depending on engine. I flew LSA for a few years, and while shopping to buy I found everything to be between 750 and 900 lbs, with most in the 850 range.

The official Airplane Factory page has it as 820 with a 912ULS. Manufacturers tend to be a little low, so even if you throw in another 80 lbs for good measure, you'll be at 900. This would give you 640 lbs useful load. 40 gallons of fuel is 240 lbs, giving you 400 lbs for passengers/bags. With 40 gallons in a Sling 2, you could probably flight plan for 5 gallons per hour, which gives you a crazy 8 hours of flight time (not counting reserves).

Midwest Sky Sports is helping finish up a Sling 2 right now, maybe you could contact them and see if they would provide you the weight of that one.
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