Interior overhead lighting
Interior overhead lighting
My finishing kit and canopy are on order. In preparation for that and without having any details yet on what the canopy will or will not accommodate in terms of overhead lighting it's difficult to do any proper research. Any suggestions about what to use / what has worked for you?
Re: Interior overhead lighting
I just used the lighting that came with the kit... once the wires are run and I get the plane flying, if I want to try something else out I'll give that a swing. 

Brian Garrett
Re: Interior overhead lighting
Did your kit come with lights, or were they from Midwest Panel Builders?
Our kit didn’t have any interior lights included, but MWPB did send lights.
Re: Interior overhead lighting
They may have come from MWPB. That part of the inventory is sorta fuzzy for me because I had a lot of different things underway by the time I got to that box.
Edward should be able to confirm if they are included with the kit or if MWPB supplies them. Either way it's best and easiest to just ask.
Edward should be able to confirm if they are included with the kit or if MWPB supplies them. Either way it's best and easiest to just ask.

Brian Garrett
Re: Interior overhead lighting
As far as I'm aware, only the landing lights are part of the Sling kit, but I stand to be corrected.
Re: Interior overhead lighting
There is at least an option to get nav/strobe lights from Sling as well. Don't know about interior lights.
Blog of various projects:
Re: Interior overhead lighting
Just to provide some feedback, I eventually bought some Aveo RGBW overhead lights despite my dislike for the brand as detailed elsewhere. This required some modification to the canopy (enlarging the holes) as well as fabrication of some filler pieces (3D printed in ABS) to take up the gap between the light and the canopy caused by the retaining nut mechanism for the light (this usually fits behind the panel the light is attached to, but is inaccessible in the Sling canopy and it creates space for the eyeball style lights to rotate).
Re: Interior overhead lighting
I'm using two of the small Oplites that I got through Aircraft Spruce. They're small and bright, so they should get the job done. Midwest will put the dimmer on the instrument panel for you.