Foreflight performance data for Tsi

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Foreflight performance data for Tsi

Post by ibgarrett »

I've been doing a little dream flight planning until my Tsi kit gets here (and built) and have noticed that the flight profile for the SlingTsi caps out altitude at about 9,000MSL. Even if I create a from-scratch profile. I was a bit confused as to what the limiting factor was with this, so I emailed Foreflight to find out. This is what they responded with:
ForeFlight imports performance data directly from the manufacturer. The performance data available is what limits ForeFlight's ability to select cruise alitdudes. For example, if you reference your performance charts and the performance data stops at 9,000', ForeFlight will not be able to plan above these altitudes with this performance profile. Essentially without the performance data from the manufacturer, ForeFlight is unable to determine cruise speed/fuel flow to display how wind will affect it.

ForeFlight does not "interpolate" performance results for the purpose of providing performance data at higher altitudes. If you have performance charts with more information, please provide them and we'll take a look.
It would be nice if the profile that is in the performance data reflected the published service ceiling. Not sure if that is something that could get updated easily or not. I didn't realize how tightly that information was through Foreflight and the manufactures.

Thanks - Brian

Brian Garrett
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Re: Foreflight performance data for Tsi

Post by MTJ »


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Re: Foreflight performance data for Tsi

Post by ncs »

For EAB, I thought you as the builder were the manufacturer and would be developing the performance charts during phase I (granted I'm a LONG way from that and haven't looked at it very closely) and what the kit manufacturer posts is just an approximate guideline of what you can expect. It would seem like an oversight on Foreflights part if they don't support user-defined performance data. Even in the certified world, you can have a mix of STCs that alter POH tables. How do they handle that?
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Re: Foreflight performance data for Tsi

Post by Sling Technical Official »

Hi Brian,

Thank you for bringing this to our attention.

At the moment we only have data up to 9 000 ft ISA and this does appear in the Sling 4 TSi POH. We are in the process of updating our POHs and will update this data. We shall include data up to the service ceiling of 18 000 ft ISA.

If you have any more questions please contact
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